No signs of distress. We don't have dogs in the country I live. ago. An indoor rabbit with a companion. If you feel that your rabbit is dying, it is important to take a step back and consider your options. Always lick our fingers regardless. Moreover, you have probably noticed that your rabbit often sleeps with his eyes open. It was at 7am so not all was open. Some rabbits may also suffer from poisoning. My rabbit was 4 and a half years old. It's a controlled motion, so if the rabbit dies while its eyes are wide open, it will stay like that as the rigor mortis sets in (Get More Info) Why did my bunny suddenly die? There are various medications and treatments available to help treat this condition in rabbits. At 0.30am he had passed away on my chest. I buried her the next morning. The bunny likely had diminished lung capacity due to his heart problem. Telling me that something really bad happened and to not stress. Loud sounds, such as cats, dogs, loud music, or screaming can lead to a heart attack and put a rabbit into shock, causing sudden death. Your pet may still be able to defecate and keep their eyes open. We have no idea what happened! It is not uncommon for people to see a dead rabbit and assume that the animal is still alive because its eyes are open. male rabbits have an equal chance of passing during sterilization surgery. Some rabbits can acclimate to warmer or colder temperatures depending on the breed. Although gastrointestinal stasis is a widespread ailment in rabbits, leaving it unchecked can negatively affect the rabbits body. We even had a routine to bring him to a garden to play but since it was rainy we could not . Most victims of the parasite will die within two to three days. No doubt about it. Losing a pet can cause so much pain for rabbit owners. Always fatal. Anxiety related heart attacks, inability to live outdoors, pre-existing conditions are some of the main reasons. The injection induces sleep, triggering the muscles in the eyelids to close. See some more details on the topic my rabbit died with eyes open here: Rabbit Died Suddenly With Eyes Open! Im really sorry for your loss. Learn More: How to keep cats from opening doors? She was a rescue rabbit so I have no idea how she was. However, if the rabbit is raised indoors, there is an excellent chance that its not trained to acclimate to temperature changes. Now I'm wondering if there's something wrong with that bag of rabbit food. or did Bunny just die of old age? This could give the rabbit enough time to\. The rabbit may go into shock and die a few days later. And passed it was horrible. We was watching TV / playing video games. Thank you for being honest about spayinh. For the first month of their lives, kits or baby rabbits rely solely on the milk from their mother. digging her up so we thought best to sprinkle her ashes in the garden. Cataracts arent curable, but they can be treated. If you have a rabbit, refrain from suddenly picking it up. We have tried Critical Care with faders but didn't help and I suspect there is something wrong with the digestive system that they just can't tolerate solid foods. We were very careful to rabbit proof the garage. Everything was normal then suddenly she died. They will sniff and forage from their surroundings. It can be hard to notice as there can be few common symptoms with other rabbit illnesses. We can not guarantee its completeness or reliability so please use caution. Same here.. we just lost 7 rabbits and the of them have orphaned babies. If the tear duct is blocked, the vet can flush the tear ducts with saline solution to remove the pus. You will be missed. On a warm evening last summer, I found my beloved pet rabbit dead in his enclosure. (Answered!) Be careful of liver torsion. The Holland Lop and Netherland Lop have the longest life span, with most living past ten and even into their early teens. Rabbits have an extra eyelid behind their second and first lids called the nictating membrane. Signs of poisoning are loss of appetite and discharge from the eyes, mouth, or anus. Now Im scared I missed something and didnt catch it. In morning i woke up and he was paralysed, he couldnt move at all. Feed this food all the time. I fostered him as a baby from the SPCA, where he chose me from all the other people that came to visit. Victoria Brownworth, a US-based journalist, faced a barrage of abuse on Twitter after posting that her wife, Maddy, died suddenly on November 12 after battling cancer. These can be caused by fear-related heart attacks, not being able to live outdoors, swallowing a sharp object, Pre-existing health condition, etc. When the digestive process is slow, the food particles get stuck much longer. I had grew attached to her and so had my dog. As rabbits age, they become more susceptible to health problems, and eventually, their organs will start to fail. These are signs that your pet is about to pass away. Heatstroke and sudden death caused by high temperatures are very common in rabbits in the summertime. (Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus. In some cases, they may become more aggressive or fearful, show signs of pain, diarrhea, or experience muscle spasms. She still had a mouthful of cabbage, it was so sudden. So, a few minutes later, Chocolate was dead. Dry baths and spot cleaning are great ways to clean your rabbits without endangering them. I picked her up and put her on a blanket and she relaxed. I grabbed him and rubbed him and talked to him and he recovered . We just went to the garden 6pm fudge is now passed away, fudge was fine this morning no idea what happened. He was only a year and 8 months so it couldn't have been old age. It wasnt first time, he didnt like so much but i didnt mean to harm him. 1. He was absolutely fine the night before. I think i stressed him much, my poor baby, my little baby. Even if they are closed when they die, the "stiffening" can pull them open again. How Cheese Can Be Used As a Treat For Rabbits. It may also become more selective about what it eats. - Quora; 8 8.Rabbit Died With Eyes Open? 5 5.Common Causes of Sudden Death in Healthy Rabbits - PetHelpful; 6 6.Rabbit Died With Eyes Open? This third eye is invisible to humans, but can be a helpful escape mechanism if they are caught by a predator. Sometimes, a rabbit will die with its eyes open because it is sick and doesn't have the strength to close them. When a baby rabbit is dying, it may be sleepy or unresponsive. But we also gave him bananas, strawberries, celery, hed eat grass with no chemicals. She continued to be like this, not doing anything and staying still, only blinking. A final thought.., ANYTIME a rabbit dies and there is bleeding from the nose and/or mouth they need to be necropsied for RHDV!! (Explained) A rabbit can die suddenly with its eyes open due to poisoning. If your rabbit dies and you suspect poison, be sure to remove the body and sterilize the area. (Answered!) Children running around screaming can cause stress and anxiety for rabbits. Trouble breathing or gasping for breath. Muscle is the one responsible for closing the rabbits eyes. A part of me has died with him. It is possible for a pet rabbit to suffer poisoning and die very quickly. Eating and drinking. Treatment can include antibiotic eye drops or ointments. If its new to your home, keeping it away from larger household pets can be a great way to keep them safe from predator animals. He would always run to me when he saw me. If the rabbit was elderly, its eyes may have been open due to muscle weakness. Gardening products including pesticides can be fatal to a domestic rabbit. I know youre not supposed to keep a wild rabbit as your pet, but her whole family was dead and I was going to raise her until she was old enough. Heart Attack Caused By Fear 2. Many people perceive it as their pet dying in a gruesome or frightened state. Gestation is every thirty days. Ask the seller for medical records. i need an exlanation. I know having the right milk is important to keep them alive, but I dont think that was the cause of her death. It is impossible to know for certain what caused your rabbit's death, but there are some things you could have done to prevent it. Even though they are not allowed to be bathed, it does not mean that they should not be soaked. No bleeding or obvious signs of injury. Rabbit Died Suddenly With Eyes Open! My beautiful dwarf lion head died today suddenly. No one can say for certain whether or not your rabbit died of natural causes. They may also become listless, sleepy, and have a reduced ability to move around. I let them out in the summer, with no problems for them, they were so happy to stay in a more natural environment and they lived for many years. Four years ago, someone in the household developed the need for an oxygen concentrator machine. Our Holland Lop, Darcy died late last night. My rabbit was pregnant and we have no clues of dis thing suddenly she started bleeding badlywe moved to vet nd later on discovered that the babies are not alive,they died in d stomach of my bunny.bunny was in pain nd bleeding frequentlyvet gives med nd tried to help bunny so that she can abort her child out but in dis process my bunny died. Mother rabbits can also give parasites to their kit as soon as they are born. These parasites can infect the rabbit without any symptoms. He was my therapy. The common cause of a rabbit's sudden death is GI stasis. There are a few theories as to why this happens, but the most likely explanation is that it is simply a result of the muscles not being strong enough to close the eyes. I found him dead at 145 PM. GI stasis is usually fatal as by the time you notice the rabbit is in distress it's too late. We loved those bunnies so much. I feel utterly broken. Learn More: Why dogs keep their mouth open? This can be a disturbing sight, but it is important to remember that a dead rabbit is not actually staring back at you. Necropsy said he had liver torsion and the heat in my area made it worse. Haih I'm so dissapointed and confused as well since I couldn't figure out the reason behind his death. I'm so heartbroken. She was perfect and within an hour and a half she was gone. With that said, it can be detrimental to their life as domestic pets. I researched how to take care of rabbits, especially for a first timer, and I had her for about a month and she was fine. 384 views 420 days ago. I called my mom and my mom tried to give him CPR. He was my everything, I'd spend hours a day stroking and grooming him he would always wash me. Ailing bunnies may lose weight rapidly and may stop eating altogether. This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. A veterinary euthanasia procedure is similar to that of anesthesia, but it is not as dramatic. We would recommend that you take the body to your local rabbit-savvy vet for a necropsy to get some closure. I now fear he may die of loneliness.They are 2years 37days old. Was pushed to take her vets. They are generally fatal as a rabbit savvy vet is usually too far away to help. If the rabbit falls to the floor, it may break its backbone or neck. DO NOT BUY OR IMPORT RABBITS AT THIS TIME FROM THOSE AREAS WITHOUT A HEALTH CERTIFICATE. He stopped drinking 2 days ago and I fed him 2 strawberries last night. And remember, pellets are not a natural food for rabbits, just hay and a little veg. Mine just passed today. Took him to the vet, they couldnt determine cause but suspected it could be spinal injury causing a nurological defect. Not even two minutes later I stuck my head under the bed and she was on her side, already looked like she literally did a flop and died. With bloat baby gas drops can sometimes help. You should ALWAYS, ALWAYS neuter *and* spay rabbits, 80% of female rabbits will get cancer by age 4 and be dead soon after. Learn More: How to keep birds out of an open barn? We knew she was pregnant and due to give birth, but we hadn't kept track of the days as her pregnancy was unexpected - she was 3 months old. She had warmed up to me quite a bit, would always give me kisses when I went to pet her, she was a total sweetheart. However, it's important to remember that not all rabbits show signs of pain when they're experiencing it. Be fore bed. When a rabbit dies with eyes open, it can mean a couple different things. Some rabbits show no symptoms until they suddenly die from internal bleeding, producing a blood-stained nose as a result. Heartbroken. All rabbits, and most other animals, need to come outside in the summer, and they enjoy it as much as we do. I know everything online tells you to spay as almost all females will eventually get cancer but I would have loved to have her 4-5 good years and lose her to cancer then.. then just have her the few short months we did. Changed his litter box last night and he was just fine. Rabbits are prone to death by shock and fright. They eat fine but just don't thrive and soon stop eating altogether and die. We have no idea what happened. First sign of something off was pee on hands and feet. Found him laying in his pee. My sister brought him into the house crying, holding him in her arms, saying Mistys dead! Shes still crying. Rabbit recovered in just a day! Thought she was sleeping because i didnt see the blood at first. Whatever the case may be, it is not uncommon for a rabbit's eyes to stay open after death. Misty, the rabbit, was just sitting in the corner, not doing anything. Thisshows caring and concern for those around them. This has been very upsetting. He was fully grown when we took him in so I would guess he was 7 1/2 years old when he died. Within a few minutes, the rabbit will be no longer able to breathe and will cease to have a heartbeat. My rabbit gave birth to four litres and they all die at once. The stress of moving to a new home might cause a very old rabbit to die sooner rather than later. on October 02, 2019: i just got my bunny 3 days ago she was fine and active. Dehydration is pretty common with rabbits. When you choose to have your pet cremated, you will need to make arrangements with a cremation service. Their bones are very delicate and break easily. Your rabbit could have had a heart attack. Far more virulent than Covid-19, it is carried on shoes, hair, clothing and can survive in the environment for up to a year. For relief of swelling behind his eyes, the vet prescribed subcutaneous injections of Salix (furosemide, same as Lasix) to help expel the excess fluid through urination. He was normally very adventurous and excitable, running around, hiding under the sofas etc. We called vets. However, some of the most common theories include: -Your rabbit may have experienced a sudden and traumatic event such as being startled by a loud noise or being attacked by another animal. With humans, dying with eyes wide open is not a good sign. If your rabbit has cataracts, it is vital to treat them as soon as possible. If the rabbit was in pain, it might have died with its eyes open in an effort to see what was causing the pain. I got home from work 3 hours later and she was on her side with her head still in her pellet bowl with her eyes open, food in her mouth and mucous all over her nose [] document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Can Rabbits Eat Peanuts? It mustve been a virus. Once it has infested the rabbit, it will eat it inside out. Many people believe that it is normal for a rabbit's eyes to stay open after death, but this is not always the case. Many creatures die with their eyes open. This is a good age to have your male neutered. He was moving , eating , drinking water just acting like normal. Loud sounds, such as cats, dogs, loud music, or screaming can lead to a heart attack and put a rabbit into shock, causing sudden death. There are many possible reasons why your rabbit died with eyes open, including causes that are not yet fully understood. He was never caged and had free roam of the house and garden for 8 years. It is EXTREMELY contagious to wild and domestic rabbits and is currently sweeping is spots in the US!! Rabbits can be carriers and victims of parasites. If your rabbit has suddenly died, you might wonder why his or her eyes are open. Others may die without any warning signs. Feeling guilty . My personal experience with this is I administered horse electrolytes and Bene-bac or some other probiotic. They may also be able to vocalize or twitch. GI stasis is a common condition in all rabbits, even baby ones, but can be quite serious if not addressed quickly. I woke up this morning to find my Bam Bam dead in his cage. If they are not provided with the right amount of water, the rabbit might succumb to dehydration or stroke. If you are concerned about the health of your rabbit, be sure to consult with a veterinarian to ensure that they are up-to-date on their vaccinations and are healthy. Its the 4th of July, so we couldnt bring her to a vet nearby that had rabbit experience. You can look out for common internal bleeding symptoms such as loss of appetite and bloody discharge at the rabbits anus. Stray cats and dogs can also carry the virus. Nothing was sprayed on the cabbage, it was the home grown stuff she'd eaten for the past 3 years and we eat it too. Some of the causes I didn't see listed above are: GI stasis, bloat/intestinal blockage, faders and "floppy rabbit syndrome". Most likely, it means that the rabbit died suddenly and didn't have time to close its eyes. That said, it is not uncommon for a necropsy to get some closure bring him the! And Bene-bac or some other probiotic her ashes in the country i live may be, it eat! Reason behind his death some closure appetite and discharge from the eyes mouth. I found my beloved rabbit died suddenly with eyes open rabbit to die sooner rather than later common... Fine and active causes that are not provided with the right amount of water, the will! My Bam Bam dead in his cage or unresponsive 's rabbit died suddenly with eyes open to them... To close its eyes are open a rabbit will be no longer able to vocalize twitch. 'S too late and domestic rabbits and is currently sweeping is spots in US... 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